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UniswapV3Staker User Manual

Teaching users how to stake in an incentive pool created by Pundi X


You will essentially be interacting with 3 contracts (high level overview) using Etherscan.

  1. UniswapV3Factory (0x1F98431c8aD98523631AE4a59f267346ea31F984)

    1. This contract will mainly be used for finding the pool address for the liquidity you provided

    2. You may refer to the Uniswapv3 Factory technical docs or

    3. The Github Uniswapv3 Factory code

  2. NonfungiblePositionManager (0xC36442b4a4522E871399CD717aBDD847Ab11FE88)

    1. This will be your NFT token manager for approvals, querying of NFT info, safeTransferFrom to other accounts or smart contracts

    2. To put it simply, this is a bridge/router/manager on your NFT.

    3. You may refer to the to the NonfungiblePositionManager technical docs or

  3. UniswapV3Staker (0x1f98407aaB862CdDeF78Ed252D6f557aA5b0f00d):

    1. This is the main contract to interact with for liquidity mining/stake in the incentive pool created

    2. You may refer to the UniswapV3Staker technical docs or

    3. The Github Uniswapv3Staker code

If you are sure about your pool info i.e. that you have provided liquidity for PUNDIX-ETH at the 0.3% fee level, you may skip directly to step 4 and just follow the steps accordingly. Make sure you have your tokenID handy too!

Last updated