Step 5: Stake, Unstake, Withdraw and Claim reward

Objectives: Using Etherscan and interacting with the UniswapV3Staker contract, you will be able to stake, unstake, withdraw and claim our rewards!

  1. You may unstake then withdraw your tokens or claim rewards before the incentive has ended. The steps are the same.

  2. You may unstake then withdraw your tokens or claim rewards in whatever manner you would like. You do not need to withdraw token then claim rewards or vice versa.

  3. You may choose to withdraw tokens and not claim rewards or claim rewards and not withdraw tokens.

UniswapV3Staker (0x1f98407aaB862CdDeF78Ed252D6f557aA5b0f00d)

Part 1 (Stake)

You may only start staking in the pool when the incentive has started on Friday, 12 November, 2021 9:00:00 AM (GMT+8).

  1. Input 0x1f98407aaB862CdDeF78Ed252D6f557aA5b0f00d in the search bar

  2. Navigate to the Contract tab

  3. Click on the Write Contract button

  4. Click into the stakeToken dropdown

  5. Ensure the correct wallet address is connected

  6. Input:

    1. key (tuple)

    2. tokenId

<your tokenID>

For field 1 key (tuple) copy and paste the following: ['0x0fd10b9899882a6f2fcb5c371e17e70fdee00c38','0xD050430dd432876cF5622fF60c4Dc106b64fA753',1636678800,1639184400,'0xC5eC7a3295B1C664feEe4aEA17ea96A0d30f96b2']

Tuple information:

  1. Rewardtoken address

  2. Pool address

  3. Start time

  4. End time

  5. Refundee

Your tokenID needs to match the pool address if not the contract will throw an error

7. Click write

8. A Metamask notification will appear, click confirm

Part 2 (Unstake)

You will always need to unstake before withdrawing even when the incentive has already ended

  1. Click into the unstakeToken dropdown

  2. Input:

    1. key (tuple)

    2. tokenId (uint256)

<your tokenID>

For field 1 key (tuple) copy and paste the following: ['0x0fd10b9899882a6f2fcb5c371e17e70fdee00c38','0xD050430dd432876cF5622fF60c4Dc106b64fA753',1636678800,1639184400,'0xC5eC7a3295B1C664feEe4aEA17ea96A0d30f96b2']

Once the incentive has ended, your token can be unstaked by anyone, and you may stand to lose your rewards if you do not claim them.

3. Click write

4. A Metamask notification will appear, click confirm

Part 3 (Withdraw Token)

Please ensure your token has been unstaked before withdrawing. Once the incentive has ended, anyone can unstake your token

  1. Click into the withdrawToken dropdown

  2. Input:

    1. tokenId (uint256)

    2. to (address)

    3. data (bytes)

<your tokenID>
<your wallet address>

For field 3 data (bytes) copy and paste the following: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Ensure <your wallet address> is the owner of <your tokenID>

3. Click write

4. A Metamask notification will appear, click confirm

Part 4 (Checking rewards getRewardInfo/rewards)

4a) getRewardInfo

Use the getRewardInfo function if your token is STILL STAKING

  1. Click on the Read Contract button

  2. Click into the getRewardInfodropdown (this will be the pending reward while your token is still staking)

  3. Input:

    1. key(tuple)

    2. tokenId (uint256)

<your tokenID>

For field 1 key (tuple) copy and paste the following: ['0x0fd10b9899882a6f2fcb5c371e17e70fdee00c38','0xD050430dd432876cF5622fF60c4Dc106b64fA753',1636678800,1639184400,'0xC5eC7a3295B1C664feEe4aEA17ea96A0d30f96b2']

4. Click query return (eg):

reward uint256, secondsInsideX128 uint160
[ getRewardInfo method Response ]
reward uint256 : 6244701548997252
secondsInsideX128 uint160 : 3671934031539594722601452813763156279674

4b) rewards

The rewards function can only be used once you have UNSTAKED your token

  1. Click into the rewards dropdown (your eligible rewards once you unstake your token, it will be 0 until you unstake your NFT if you don’t already have any pending rewards in the contract)

  2. Input:

    1. <input> (address)

    2. <input> (address)

<your wallet address>

For field 1 <input> (address) copy and paste the following: 0x0FD10b9899882a6f2fcb5c371E17e70FdEe00C38

Ensure <your wallet address> is the owner of <your tokenID>

3. Click query return (eg):

[ rewards(address,address) method Response ]
uint256 : 0

Part 5 (Claim Rewards)

  1. Click on the Write Contract button

  2. Click into the claimReward dropdown

  3. Ensure the correct wallet address is connected

  4. Input:

    1. rewardToken (address)

    2. to (address)

    3. amountRequested (uint256)

<your wallet address>
<your reward amount you want to claim>

For field 1 rewardToken (address) copy and paste the following: 0x0FD10b9899882a6f2fcb5c371E17e70FdEe00C38

The amount you requested from part 4b) will be needed here. You may request any amount between 0 to the amount you requested in 4b).

Say my eligible rewards was 21961075569626700000. I can claim a reward amount anything ranging from 1 to 21961075569626700000.

5. Click write

6. A Metamask notification will appear, click confirm

Last updated