Step 3: Get pool address to check if eligible for incentive programme

Objectives: Using Etherscan and interacting with the UniswapV3Factory contract to find the pool address of your token to see if you are eligible for our rewards

UniswapV3Factory (0x1F98431c8aD98523631AE4a59f267346ea31F984)

  1. Input 0x1F98431c8aD98523631AE4a59f267346ea31F984 in the search bar

  2. Navigate to the Contract tab

  3. Click on the Read Contract button

  4. Click into the getPool dropdown

  5. Input (order for token addresses doesn’t matter):

    1. <input> (address)

    2. <input> (address)

    3. <input> (uint24)

<Token0 address>
<Token1 address>

6. Click query (return example):


[ getPool(address,address,uint24) method Response ]
    address :  0xD050430dd432876cF5622fF60c4Dc106b64fA753

If your pool address is 0xD050430dd432876cF5622fF60c4Dc106b64fA753, you will be entitled to our rewards

Last updated